7 Ways to Stay Safe on Your Winter Getaway

7 Ways to Stay Safe on Your Winter Getaway

Planning a fun winter getaway this year? Don’t forget to add these safety measures to your checklist in order to avoid facing a mishap that could ruin your trip. 

Check the Travel Advisories

Before you head out of the country, it’s a good idea to always check to make sure that the destination where you’re going is deemed safe for travel. Fortunately, the Government of Canada posts Travel Advice and Advisories for over 200 destinations worldwide. The advisories will also let you know what to watch out for – robberies, car theft, natural disaster, civil unrest – so that you can be well prepared.

Dress for the Occasion

When heading south on your winter getaway, your suitcase should contain more than just a bathing suit and shorts. The hot searing sun can cause serious skin damage if you don’t remember to cover up. Always pack sunscreen, a hat, and the proper gear to stay protected from the elements. 

Pay Attention to Weather Updates

If you plan to take a tour, hit the slopes or surf the waves on your vacation, be sure that you pay attention to the daily weather notifications. An avalanche or tropical storm warning can be a matter of life and death, so pay attention. 

Carry Spare Medications

A two-hour tour or short trek out could turn into an all-day affair if there are bad weather conditions. If you take medication for an ongoing health condition, pack an extra supply to store in your bag whenever you head out. 

Register for Emergency Updates

There’s a free service that will notify you in the event of an emergency abroad or at home. The Registration of Canadians Abroad service will also update you of any important information and provide instructions during the emergency to keep you and your family safe.

Arrange for Travel Insurance

Even if you’re heading to another province, it’s important to arrange travel insurance for you and your entire party. A minor broken bone or quick visit to the doctor could cost you thousands of dollars in medical bills if you don’t have coverage. A fraudulent vacation rental could leave you without any place to go. Insurance can help solve these problems and provide you with the money you need to remain safe and healthy.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Every country has different rules when it comes to drinking and driving. Even if the locals seem pretty lax when it comes to the rules, their legal system might not be so lax if you get caught. Driving under the influence may result in a costly accident overseas and even land you in prison in another country, or worse. Do yourself a favour and take taxis if you plan to drink. 

If you’ve been injured during your winter vacation, contact us at Zuber and Brioux. You may be eligible for compensation for your injuries.