Understanding Future Care Costs

Understanding Future Care Costs

If you or someone you know has been injured due to the actions or negligence of another party, the person or company who caused your injury may be required to pay your future care costs. It is simple to calculate past care costs – you simply total up your receipts. But how do you anticipate future care costs when an injury could days or years to recover from? What if you never fully recover and have a lifetime of future care costs?

As such, here’s a quick guide to help you understand the basics of calculating and understanding future care costs.

First – What are Future Care Costs?

Future care costs are the extraordinary costs that an injured person pays to facilitate their recovery or improve their quality of life following an injury. Examples include:

  • Medication
  • Assistive devices (wheelchair, bathroom safety etc.)
  • Vocational retraining or counselling
  • Physical therapy
  • Home care expenses or expenses for attendant care
  • Home and vehicle modifications

Calculating Future Care Costs Following a Personal Injury

For starters, it’s important to note that a calculation can be more of an estimation in cases. You’ll want to have these estimates verified and be sure that they’re as accurate as possible before proceeding on to a subsequent course of action. This is the first juncture of many in which the presence of an experienced personal injury lawyer from Zuber Brioux can prove absolutely essential.

The best personal injury attorneys look out for their clients on an individualized basis while providing key legal insight on both a broad range of topics and in a manner which is specific to the needs of those clients. Future care costs are going to take on a different shape and magnitude depending on what is you’re paying for, when, and so on. Having a personal injury attorney looking out for your own personal interests is absolutely essential.

When calculating future care costs, the process generally begins with a Board Certified Life Care Planner. It is the task of this individual to collect data pertaining to the matter in question and, from that, create a comprehensive Future Care Cost Report. Some of the data in question here is likely to pertain to your financial portfolio in one respect for another, while other aspects will have more to do with medical documentation. This latter category can be especially crucial to a case, and so a Life Care Planner will work to read through all your available medical documentation, speak to you, your treatment team, possibly your lawyer and, from that, work to devise an accurate estimate as to the future cost of care.

If you or someone you know has suffered a serious injury, contact Zuber Brioux to discuss your legal rights and get the compensation you deserve as you move forward with your recovery.